Get Involved

Physician standing by counter.

OCMA/CMA, the voice of Orange County and California physicians, relies on physician involvement to transform our healthcare. Involvement from our physician members and executive staff allows OCMA to continually play a vital role at the state capitol.

OCMA/CMA keeps legislators aware of how proposed legislation could enhance or threaten patients’ health or physicians’ ability to practice medicine. From sponsoring legislation to testifying in committee and meeting one-on-one with elected officials, OCMA/CMA advocates on behalf of physicians and patients throughout the legislative session. This advocacy positively affects the delivery of healthcare and the practice of medicine in Orange County and California, and all of this success is made possible by the strength of our membership. As an OCMA member, there are many ways to be involved in shaping health policy and the future of medicine. Whether you have only five minutes or you can devote more substantial time, below are some ways to get started.

Please call 949-398-8100 or email for more information.

  • OCMA Services Committee

    Thoroughly vets potential business partners for annual sponsor program.

  • Legislative Committee

    Cooperates with the CMA in matters pertaining to legislation.

  • Physician Wellness Committee

    Develops programs and resources to prevent physician burnout and promote physician wellness.

  • Nominating Committee

    Selects nominees for the OCMA Board of Directors, Officers, Delegates and Alternatives to the CMA House of Delegates and AMA/CMA trustees.

  • Organized Medical Staff Committee

    Maintains ongoing liaison with medical staffs of Orange County hospitals and initiates recommendations on issues of mutual concern to OCMA and Orange County medical staffs.

  • Physician of Excellence (POE) Committee

    Annual program which recognizes excellent physicians in the county.  Committee reviews POE applications and selects yearly honorees.  

Board Delegation Opportunities

Doctors of Orange County Political Action Committee (DOCPAC) Board

Cooperates with the CMA in matters pertaining to legislation and advises OCMA membership of actions to be taken regarding contributions to Orange County supervisorial seats.

Orange County Medical Association Board of Directors

Serve as a district representative throughout the county. Participants are nominated by the OCMA Nominating Committee.

California Medical Association (CMA) House of Delegates (HOD)

CMA’s legislative body, the House of Delegates, meets once a year to establish CMA policies on key issues that affect the practice of medicine, from medical ethics to critical matters of public health. Delegates are nominated by the OCMA Nominating Committee. Contact: Holly Appelbaum,