Key Contacts

Physician standing against wall.

It’s our business to take care of you and your practice. If you need assistance, call OCMA at 949.398.8100 or the CMA members-only help line toll free at 800.786.4CMA (4262).

CMA Center for Economic Services (CES)

Help with Medicare payments, obtain legal review of your contract by CMA attorneys or gain assistance on related issues. CES has been able to resolve nearly all of the cases that have been referred to them, and in most cases they have been able to do so very expeditiously. If you need assistance, call OCMA at 949.398.8100 or the CMA CES at 888.401.5911.

Reimbursement Hotline

Assistance with reimbursement related problems including coding and compliance, billing and collection, managed care contracting, medical group/IPA bankruptcy, and other practice management issues. P: 888.401.5911

Legislative Hotline

CMA’s Center for Government Relations provides a weekly legislative update on what physicians can do to support or oppose specific pieces of legislation of importance to medicine. P: 866.462.2819

Legal Information Line

Health Law Information Specialists are available to assist members in obtaining medical/legal information and resources, including contact information for outside resources as appropriate. P: 415.882.5144 E:

Stress Relief & Addiction Help

The Physicians Confidential Line is a 24-hour phone service that provides support to physicians with alcohol/chemical dependency or mental/behavioral problems. This service is completely confidential and will not result in any form of disciplinary action or referral to any disciplinary body. Northern CA call 650.756.7787, Southern CA call 213.383.2691.
 National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has launched a new Web site to provide physicians and other health professionals with the latest science on drug abuse and addiction. Drug abuse affects the course and treatment of many medical conditions, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and C, and lung disease. NIDA’s new Web site shares the latest on:

  • Relevant research
  • Clinical practice
  • Materials for patients (including youth)
  • Trends in drug abuse and addiction
  • Clinical trials

NIDA, a component of the National Institutes of Health, is committed to timely dissemination of promising research findings for real-world application. The new Web site for physicians and other health professionals is part of NIDA’s continuing efforts to raise awareness about drug abuse and addiction.

CME Certification/Tracking

CMA’s Institute for Medical Quality provides continuing medical education (CME) tracking services, which certifies physicians’ CME activity for credentialing purposes with the Medical Board of California, as well as hospitals, health plans, and specialty societies.