Physicians of Excellence

Did your doctor make the list?

Physician standing against wall.

The OCMA Board, when venturing into the Physicians of Excellence (POE) program, recognized the fact that all physicians meet a standard of excellence simply by the fact that they have completed the training and education necessary to become medical doctors. However, there are some who go above and beyond in serving their profession and patients, and as a result, the OCMA Board believed that by creating the POE program it would be able to recognize and honor those physicians.

Now in its nineteenth year, the POE program has become recognized as a fair and unbiased selection process identifying those physicians in the community who have exhibited the skills, training and commitment to their patients and the community to stand out above their peers as physicians of excellence. While the program certainly doesn't honor all those in the county who would rightfully qualify, OCMA believes the program does an excellent job of selecting the utmost deserving on a year-to-year basis.

OCMA honors the Physicians of Excellence for their services to their profession, lifelong dedication to their patients and commitment to the community they serve by hosting an honoree reception each January. If you are interested in sponsoring this event, please contact Mark Morones at : or 949.398.8103 for details. You may also visit the sponsorship section of our website below for further details on how you can sponsor other OCMA events throughout the year.

If you would like to nominate your excellent physician or colleague, tell us why! Physicians should exemplify outstanding leadership qualities, teaching and mentoring, research and humanitarian services. The deadline for nominations for the 2025 Physicians of Excellence honor is April 26, 2024.  Please click here to access the 2025 Physicians of Excellence nomination form.    

Click here to access the article listing the 2024 Physicians of Excellence in the January 2024 issue of Orange Coast Magazine.  

Click here to view photos and a video from the 2023 Physicians of Excellence Honorees' Reception. 

Click here to access the article listing the 2023 Physicians of Excellence in the January 2023 issue of Orange Coast Magazine

Click here to view photos from the 2022 Physicians of Excellence Honorees' Reception. 

Click here to view the 2022 Physicians of Excellence Honorees' Reception recap video.

Click here to access the article listing the 2022 Physicians of Excellence in the January 2022 issue of Orange Coast Magazine

Click here to access the searchable database containing the 2021 Physicians of Excellence.

Click here to access the list of 2021 Physicians of Excellence in the January 2021 issue of Orange Coast Magazine.

Click here to access the searchable database containing the 2020 Physicians of Excellence.    

Click here to view photos from the 2020 Physicians of Excellence Honorees' Reception.

Click here to access the searchable database containing the 2019 Physicians of Excellence.     

Click here to access the searchable database containing the 2018 Physicians of Excellence.   

Click here to access the searchable database containing the 2017 Physicians of Excellence.

Click here to view the photos from the 2017 Physicians of Excellence Honorees' Reception.   

Click here to access the searchable database containing the 2016 Physicians of Excellence.

Click here to view the photos from the 2016 Physicians of Excellence Honorees' Reception. 

Click here to view the photos from the 2015 Physicians of Excellence Honorees' Reception.