CalOptima Seeks Candidates to Participate on its Provider Advisory Committee (PAC) 2014-2016

The CalOptima Board of Directors welcomes input and recommendations from the provider community regarding issues concerning CalOptima programs. For this reason, the CalOptima Board encourages providers to become involved through an advisory group known as the Provider Advisory Committee (PAC).

The Provider Advisory Committee advises the CalOptima Board of Directors and staff. The CalOptima PAC is composed of 14 members representing diverse provider constituencies. These include but are not limited to health plans, hospitals, physicians, nurses, allied health professionals, long-term care services and community health centers. The charge of the committee is to:
  • Provide advice and recommendations to the CalOptima Board on issues concerning CalOptima programs as directed by the CalOptima Board;
  • Engage in study, research and analysis of issues assigned by the Board or generated by thecommittee;
  • Serve as a liaison between interested parties and the Board;
  • Assist the Board in obtaining public opinion on issues relating to CalOptima programs;
  • Initiate recommendations on issues for study to the CalOptima Board for their approval and consideration; and
  • Facilitate community outreach for CalOptima and the Board.

At this time, CalOptima is seeking candidates to participate on its Provider Advisory Committee (PAC). Service on the PAC is voluntary and with no salary. You need to be available to attend monthly meetings and serve on subcommittees. The following two-year seats are available:

  • Long Term Care Services Representative (two seats) 
  • Non-Physician Medical Practitioner Representative 
  • Pharmacy Representative 
  • Physician Representative (two seats)

The committee encourages interested individuals with knowledge and support of Medi-Cal and Medicare to apply. To apply or to nominate an individual for the Provider Advisory Committee, please mail, fax, or email the attached candidate application by Friday, April 11, 2014, along with a biography or resume plus two letters of reference to:

Attn: Maria Wahab
505 City Parkway West
Orange, CA 92868
Office: 714-796-6143 
Fax: 714-796-6679 
Email: mwahab@caloptima.org
If you have any questions, please call Maria Wahab at 714-796-6143.  

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