Upcoming CalOptima Provider Forum on Duals Demonstration

On July 10, the OCMA, CalOptima and the Health Networks in the CalOptima health care delivery system co-hosted a forum for physicians to learn about the contracting options for the upcoming "duals demonstration."  The demonstration will entail enrolling the dual-eligible (Medicare/Medi-Cal) beneficiaries in Orange County into CalOptima. OCMA has been advocating that physicians and their dual-eligible patients have multiple options for participating in the demonstration, including an option that allows physicians to contract directly with CalOptima. 


On Wednesday, August 14, CalOptima will host another forum which will include the Health Networks to once again reach out to physicians and educate them on the various contracting options the CalOptima board of directors will consider at their next board meeting.  If you missed the July 10th forum, OCMA strongly encourages you to attend the forum on August 14.  It is imperative that CalOptima and the Health Networks hear from the physicians that are caring for the dual-eligible patients in Orange County. The invitation to the August 14 forum is attached.


Note: this forum will be held at CalOptima. See invitation for full details.


Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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