Physician Advocate Tip of the Month - What you need to know about "the grace period"

February Tip:
What You Need to Know About "The Grace Period"

 Federal law allows Covered CA enrollees who receive financial subsidies to keep their health insurance for three months, even if they have stopped paying their premiums. This is known as the "grace period."

CMA made significant progress through their advocacy efforts to help ensure that physicians are not on the hook for unpaid claims in months two and three of the three-month grace period. Instead, coverage will be suspended during those two months. CMA has prepared an easy-to-understand fact sheet to help physicians and their staff understand what the grace period means for their practices and their patients. Click here to download a copy of the grace period fact sheet.

 Upcoming: OCMA Exchange Seminar  

Mitzi Young, OCMA/CMA Physician Advocate, will be hosting an exchange seminar at OCMA on Thursday, February 27. The seminar will focus on how the California health benefit exchange will affect physician practices. Attendance for this seminar is free for OCMA members. For more information and to RSVP, visit https://caexchange.eventbrite.com.

Receiving practice management guidance from Mitzi is a FREE OCMA member benefit!

Contact Mitzi to schedule a one-on-one consultation to discuss your practice management needs:

Mitzi Young
Physician Advocate, CMA Center for Economic Services

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